Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lessons from the Tali-Party (#1)

Top Line (bottom line first): Be careful what you wish for, Tali-Party.  You may not like where it leads.

Who: The Tali-Party is what I call the hardcore right-wing Christian conservatives in the US.  Some of them are Tea Party members, but many aren't.  Tali-Party folks are interested in getting everyone to live by their rules - rules which they often don't follow themselves (mostly involving sex).  This disconnect between espoused Morality and actual Behavior is as obvious to others as it is invisible to them.  Part of the rigid nature of their mindset comes with a large serving of denial garnished with an inability/unwillingness to be self-reflective.  If they were to examine their own behavior with a critical eye, it would be an uncomfortable challenge to their Black-and-White thinking.  This results in them often embodying the person who focuses on the speck in someone else's eye while ignoring the log in their own. (1)

What: Tali-Partiers want to codify their Christian beliefs into society's laws.  Recently, pharmacists were given permission NOT to sell drugs they did not "believe" in, specifically Plan B (2,3,4).  This is heralded as a victory by the Tali-Party, but methinks they are missing the bigger picture.

Why: The "Big Picture" they are missing is that every time they get one of their Christian religious beliefs codified into society's laws, they set a precedent and open the door for OTHER religious beliefs to be so codified.  (Repeat after me... Sharia.) The mere thought of Sharia law is anathema to them, but if it ever happens they will have to acknowledge their complicity.  Because US Supreme Court will have to rule on the principle of "what's good for the Christian goose is good for the Muslim gander".

So Tali-Party beware - lest you cook your own goose.

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1. Matthew 7:5 (yes, I can Google search Bible quotes)

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