Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Theology (for what it's worth)

It's taken me years to distill my theology, but I've gotten it down to 3 points:

1.  God also laughs.

That may surprise some.  I'm used to hearing God discussed in such a stern and serious way.  But look at the world around you and people and their behavior and you can't help but laugh - and neither can God.

2.  There is only Love and Fear.

The Universe seeks balance - light and dark, big and small, male and female.  Spirituality is constantly being challenged to walk the line between love, freedom, joy and control, shame, judgment.

And like the building blocks of the Universe carry positive and negative charges, so does spirituality.  Everything we do falls in the space between Love and Fear.  Pick some things and check it out - see if you can see where a person's acts or beliefs fall on the continuum.

3.  God wants everyone to come to the party, and God gives each of us our own directions.

There is no such thing as The One Religion.  Even in one religion, there are sects or denominations.  Even in the denominations, there are different churches. Even in the churches, members don't all agree.  Each person has their own personal invitation to God delivered by God, with directions on how to get to God.  When someone else tries to get me to God's party by demanding I follow Their directions - that not only disrespects my invitation, it disrespects God's wisdom and plan.

So my theology tells me to remember to laugh, to look for ways to live more in love than fear, and to protect God's invitation to me from others who would violate it.

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