Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why can't they be normal like me?

Top Line (bottom line first): We assume that other people think/process information/make decisions like we do.  We couldn't be more wrong.

Years ago, in a attempt to understand someone's crazy behavior, I went on a quest to learn about why people do the things they do. On it I discovered the 4 temperaments, as described by Keirsey in his book "Please Understand Me II". Information about these is available on the internet.  The important point is this:

We assume we know why other people act like they do.  We don't.
We assume other people think like us.  They don't.
We assume we can change them. We can't.

For example:

  • Some people make their decisions based on data, and some make their decisions based on personal values (facts be damned, this is important to me).
  • Some people think linearly (a...b...c...d...) and some think 3-dimensionally (a...b...jump to m... back to k... over to z).

And those are just two variables.

One of the most important things I have learned is that when I'm talking to people, it helps if I know what temperament they are.  It's like having a map.  With that information, I know better where they are coming from and how to translate what they are saying into what they mean.

During this time of Arab Spring - when people moving toward freedom are butting up against people resisting that movement - it would help if those seeking freedom knew about temperaments so they could better understand the whys and wherefores of the resistance that probably baffles them.

I mean, seriously, why would normal people not want freedom... right?

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